
From earth to space – CD HATA and KOYAS present their futuristic, new age of experimental music as a conceptual soundtrack of a journey that transcends time and space (follow below)

Release Summery

Title : Synthesizer Gnosticism
Cat No. : PSYM-014
Format : Digital
Release Date : 2019.11.29
Artwork : 〼meL-Hen
Mastering : KOYAS at KOYAS Studio

Track List

01 Harmonize the Frequencies
02 Sea of Modulation
03 Slip Through Space Debris
04 Cosmic Oscillation
05 Parallel Dimension
06 Attack Jaldabaoth


CD HATA x KOYAS x idealsolution –  Harmonize the Frequencies (MV)


夜明けからスタートするハーモニクス。うららかなメロディと相まって、身体にズシンと来る後半の展開には驚きましたが、脳内旅行好きとしては興味深いアルバムでした。秋シーズンのリリースってのがいいね。ドライブに絶好なカーステ挿入盤! – ALTZ(Altzmusica)

アルバムの説明文を読んで頭から最後まで聴いてみると本当に地球から宇宙へと旅たち、自らに課せられた使命を果たす目的を持って挑む冒険、そんな空想にどっぷりと浸れるサウンドトラックののような作品。まさにSFファンタジーを体験出来ます。 – HIROSHI WATANABE aka Kaito

今日みたいな天気の日、現実逃避するには最適ですね。シンセならではのうまみでトリップ確実です。 – galcid

HATAさんとKOYASくんの、とても不思議でサイケデリックでスペーシーなアルバム!即興とは思えない仕上がり!流石です!必聴! – Numb

まさにCosmic Sound Journey 。
イマジネーションがあちらの世界へ行ってしまう感じが素敵です。 – shiba@FreedomSunset

もうそろそろ宇宙に帰りたくなりました😢👽 - カワムラユキ(OIRAN MUSIC)


CD HATAとKOYASの演奏は即興を基調にしているが、その背後にはストーリーが作られている。手書きで書き殴られたようなメモ書きであるが、それがガイドラインとなり、2人の演奏は即興でありながらもあるべき所に到達する物語性を持つ。






From earth to space – CD HATA and KOYAS present their futuristic, new age of experimental music as a conceptual soundtrack of a journey that transcends time and space 

While they play in improvisation, CD HATA and KOYAS have got some prepared storyboard behind the scenes. Although it is more like an abstract that is quickly scribbled down with pen and paper, it allows them to let their music have some story arc throughout their sets and this is exactly what this album captures.

This is an excerpt of their recorded live set played publicly in the venue called Debris at Daikanyama, located near Shibuya, known as one of Tokyo’s main nightclub districts. 

The concept of the storyboard is based on some gnostic myths starting from the birth of the main character traveling from the earth to space all the way to the climax where he fights against the evil lord.

According to them, the actual album can be divided into two parts. The first three tracks represents the journey through the earth includes the birth of a hero, traveling through the ocean, and the exit from the planet heading towards the outer space. And the latter three tracks illustrate a journey in space where he drifts along the cosmic then finally, he fights against the evil lord.

While they play numbers of hardware synthesizers in the set, they come up with something psychedelic along the way which could be located somewhere in between ambient and experimental for the genre wise. This session also features some visual work from Idealsolution as VJ team, enhancing some trippy vibes for this recording.




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